4. Defining feature of Onizuca Glass laser devices
A defining characteristic of Onizuca Glass lasers is in their DC discharge system. Currently, most carbon dioxide lasers on the market employ the RF electrical discharge method. This RF discharge method has a strong focus on pulse oscillation and is geared towards cutting, but it is not suitable for melting operations. On that point, our company's DC electrical discharge method is also geared towards the latter, and for the melting of resins and plastics, it is the more suitable laser device. For example, our laser devices can easily perform ultrasonic and induction-heating methods and even detailed welding of which laser devices of other wavelengths and RF-discharge carbon dioxide laser devices are incapable.
5. Finally
If you have any concerns regarding lasers, please do not hesitate to contact us. We offer thorough consultations and sample processing demonstrations, which are certain to provide unique ideas for laser utilization and problem solutions.
