About Us
Company Name Gakujindo Sugimura sho-ji Ltd.
Address 2-6-4 Komagata, Taito-ku
Tokyo, Japan 111-0043
Phone 81-3-3842-3659
Fax 81-3-3841-6006
Email info@gakujindo.co.jp
Official Website http://www.gakujindo.co.jp/
Date of
March 3, 1967
Company Representative Representative Director
Tatsuya Sugimura
Capital 10 million yen
Business Area Manufacturing, wholesaling, domestic retailing and exporting of chenille stems (also known as pipe cleaners), Christmas decorations, toys, chenille stem animal dolls, party goods, and school crafts materials.

Japan's only manufacturer specializing in chenille stems, with over half a century of history