About Us
Company Name Kyowa Hearts Co., Ltd.
Address 1-5-1 Takata-nishi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, Japan 223-0066
Fax 81-45-593-6121
E-mail english@kyowa-hearts.com
Official Website http://www.kyowa-hearts.com/ (only available in Japanese)
Date of Establishment May 14, 1951
Company Representative Representative Director Satoru Sakamoto
Capital 10 million yen
Area of Business As professionals in the field of manufacturing "thin, slim, small, and multifunctional" parts
and components, our corporate mission is to contribute to further accelerating our customers'
development speed.

ISO 9001:2008
ISO 14001:2004

[Strengths in technology]
High-precision progressive dies used for the following works:
(1) Fine processing (minimum size: as tiny as a rice grain, plate thickness: 0.03)
(2) High-precision curving processing of complexly shaped parts and components
(3) Processing of cylindrical parts and components (curling and spinning are both possible)